jul 25
245 Main St.
Cambridge, MA

AARP Innovation Labs Pitchfest #1
AARP Innovation Labs
Come hear innovative startups pitch their solutions to help address chronic health conditions and social isolation of older adults. Your vote helps make the aging journey better for all.
Featuring startups: Sunu, PongTech, Groundations, Livindi, Care.Coach, MeetCaregivers, and host Danielle D. Duplin
AGENCY Startup Pitchfest #1
How can digital companions help augment the care for older adults who have mild cognitive impairment?
How can visually-impaired older adults navigate their surroundings with confidence?
How can older adults get around town on a new kind of mobility scooter that's as practical as a wheelchair and as fun as a segway?
What does it take to make an ideal match between a caregiver and an older adult living at home, and support their ongoing relationship?
How can a personal thermal device ease menopausal hot flashes?
"I've fallen, and I CAN get up!" What new exercise program is changing the perception of fitness for aging from the ground up?
How can a tablet help families and caregivers communicate better and more efficiently for the older adults they care for?
Come watch high growth startups as they pitch their innovative solutions for older adults that ease chronic health conditions associated with social isolation.
You'll get to vote on the top two startups who will compete at AARP Innovation Lab's Grand Pitch Finale in Washington D.C.
You'll also network with peers and influencers in the AgeTech ecosystem who are fostering innovation for older adults worldwide.
We look forward to seeing you!

5:00 - 5:45 : appetizers, bar & refreshments, networking
5:45 - 7:15 : executive remarks, startup pitches, judges Q&A, audience votes
7:15 - 8:00 : reception, winners announcement
Sunu | PongTech | Livindi | Care.Coach | Embr Labs | Meet Caregivers | Groundations
Danielle D. Duplin, Cofounder, Global Launch Director, AGENCY
Jacqueline Baker, AARP Innovation Labs
Natanel Barookhian, Founder, TechU Deeptech Ventures
Judith Iwanski, Manager, Digital Health Aging and Caregiving, Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MeHI)
Nell Meosky Luo, Founder and CEO at Folia Health, Inc.
AGENCY Connectors
Program Partner