partners expand the reach
and deepen the impact
We invite you to collaborate with AGENCY as a Strategic Partner. The powerful combination of your corporate resources and reach with AGENCY's innovators and startups can make all the difference in getting critical and creative new products and services to millions of consumers worldwide. As an AGENCY Partner, you'll discover & accelerate elder-centric solutions to market, position your company brand as a pioneer in aging and longevity innovation, and help shape the global narrative on aging well.
Benefits for Strategic Partners include:
Executive Visibility: Your leaders will help craft strategic content for AGENCY events and be featured as thought leaders at our symposia, demo-days, and think tanks.
Solution Scouting: Our consultants will deep dive with you to help understand your organization's goals and unmet needs, and engage our global network to find creative products/services and/or spark new concepts.
Talent Development: Your team will get a seat at CIC to be in the flow of ideas and meet thousands of resident cross-sector innovators.
Ecosystem Connections: We'll broker meaningful connections with AGENCY researchers, startups, scaleups, industry experts, designers, academics, policymakers, and field practitioners. Our goal is to unblock chokepoints in the ecosystem by opening up pathways for conversation and collaboration that allow innovation to thrive and solutions to scale.
Partner engagements vary based on your investment level, and may include :
Bespoke custom innovation event (e.g. Pitchfest, Reverse Pitch, Think Tank, Leadership Roundtable, etc.)
Program sponsorship aligned with your strategic objectives (e.g. Founders Over 55+ Club, 'Named' scholarship seats for startups at CIC, 'Named' Geroscience Innovation Internships with universities and hospitals, etc.)
AGENCY Partner's Council
AGENCY Expert Office Hours
Pilots with AGENCY sourced companies
Seats at AGENCY @cic
we have AGENCY to >
we have AGENCY to foster global innovation communities
and create workspaces where ideas are incubated and companies thrive
we have AGENCY to >
Commonwealth of MA and the Executive Office of Elder Affairs
we have AGENCY to foster age-friendly communities, resources, and public policies for older adults to live well and safe
we have AGENCY to >
we have AGENCY to build a vibrant digital health IT ecosystem and grow successful health services companies in Massachusetts
we have AGENCY to >
we have AGENCY to provide excellence in independent living, assisted living, memory care and respite for older adults.
we have AGENCY to >
we have AGENCY to >
we have AGENCY to connect corporations with the global innovation community and source strategic solutions
we have AGENCY to >
YOU have AGENCY to pioneer solutions for aging & longevity and support the AGENCY ecosystem!
Strategic Partners and Sponsors get first look for early investing and deeper engagement
Brand visibility
Talent Development
Content Curation
Think Tanks
Innovation Strategy
Supply Chain