Cowork Members & Connectors
fuel the engine
AGENCY is an inclusive community with workspaces colocated at Cambridge Innovation Centers (CICs) worldwide. We welcome innovators to work side-by-side to build your businesses to help elders, families, caregivers, communities, organizations, and institutions thrive in the longevity economy. At AGENCY, you'll showcase your company on the forefront of aging and longevity to visiting scholars and stakeholders, and accelerate your elder-centric solutions to global markets through AGENCY programming and connections.
AGENCY companies range from early-stage startups to large corporates, and span the full spectrum of aging and longevity including: brain health, biotech for chronic illness, care coordination, medical devices, fashion, senior housing, mobility, eldercare financing, and agetech investors.
Join our coworking community at AGENCY headquarters at CIC Cambridge in Kendall Square, MA, the heart of greater Boston’s innovation scene with access to renowned universities, research labs, cross-sector businesses, policymakers, and our growing list of strategic partners. AGENCY hubs are expanding at CICs in the U.S. (Providence RI, Philadelphia PA, St. Louis MO, Miami FL) and internationally at CIC Tokyo Japan, CIC Warsaw Poland, and CIC Rotterdam Netherlands. At AGENCY, you'll be connected with our cross-cultural communities in all locations regardless of which CIC you consider home base.
Ready to move your whole team? CIC’s variety of flexible private and shared workspaces and month-to-month rental agreements mean your workspace in the AGENCY hub can evolve with your company’s growth.
Looking to 'land and expand'? Consider a hotdesk at CIC so you can touchdown at the AGENCY hub, be in the flow of ideas, and have a foothold for talent acquisition, company expansion, and collaborative projects with members and partners in new markets.
Want to actively participate in the AGENCY community but don't need a full-time workspace? Consider becoming an AGENCY Connector to take part in our events and programs, and gain access to AGENCY ecosystem resources and an occasional seat at CIC.
Cowork at CIC
Full-time 24x7 CIC seat(s) at AGENCY, with access to other CIC global locations, to build your company in a collegial, entrepreneurial environment
unmetered use of conference rooms and phone booths throughout CIC
official CIC business address with mail and package delivery
access to CIC Portal (participate in CIC's global community with thousands of innovative companies, attend a range of business-building and networking events, use additional CIC services, book conference rooms, etc.)
deeper engagement with AGENCY programs, extended community, and advisory services (e.g. pitch coaching, strategy feedback, etc.)
potential opportunity to host and/or co-curate events aligned with your company mission to raise awareness and develop business leads
all AGENCY Connector benefits ==>
and so much more as our ecosystem grows!!
from $460/month per seat
priority access and/or discount tickets to AGENCY produced events (public and private when applicable)
meet with visiting stakeholders, scholars, and influencers via AGENCY Expert Office Hours
potential speaking opportunities at AGENCY produced events (e.g. thought leadership symposia, pitchfests, demo days, think tank deep dives, etc.)
active participation in AGENCY Members-Only Roundtables
active participation in AGENCY slack channels to exchange ideas, resources, news, milestones, etc. with our growing community
visibility with AGENCY partners (e.g. government, industry, academia, senior care associations, etc. )
visibility on AGENCY communications channels (e.g. social media, blog posts, newsletter, etc.)
concierge connections to potential collaborators
complimentary occasional use of AGENCY coworking seat at CIC
from $99/month per member