fosters innovation
for living longer & aging better
AGENCY is a collective of industry leaders, innovation catalysts, and company founders focused on the world's aging populations. AGENCY offers ecosystem-as-a-service with premium coworking space, strategic events, and concierge connections. Our innovation community gives oxygen to ideas and fuels company growth. We look for members and collaborators who:
advance the science of longevity,
design for joy not stigma, and solve for possibilities not just problems,
blend high-touch solutions with high-tech that can scale,
promote age-friendly communities and business practices, and
make the aging journey better for all.
AGENCY headquarters, coworking space, and events operate at the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) in Kendall Sq. in Cambridge, MA, "the most innovative square mile on the planet", and at CIC Boston, MA. AGENCY plans to expand to CIC's nationally in Providence, RI; Philidelphia, PA; St. Louis, MO; Miami, FL; and worldwide in Tokyo, Japan; Warsaw, Poland; and Rotterdam, Netherlands. CIC's nonprofit organization, Venture Cafe, produces programming for entrepreneurs and the now-iconic "Thursday Gatherings" that attract tens of thousands of innovators and community members. CIC and Venture Cafe's global footprint and trusted connections with thousands of cross-sector startups, corporates, and advocates, means that AGENCY members can readily share age-friendly practices across cultures and expand in new markets.
Entrepreneurs love to tackle hard problems
with the upside potential to change the world.
This is it.

AGENCY Launch! a new coworking space and community for innovators in aging & longevity
AGENCY spawned from a hackathon produced by Captains of Innovation, led by Carrie Earle Allen and Danielle D. Duplin, in partnership with SOMPO Digital Labs, the second-largest insurance provider and senior living operator in Japan. The ideas that emerged were inspiring on the needs, and the possibilities -- from awareness campaigns on senior loneliness, to high-tech solutions for med management and care coordination, to advanced diagnostics and biotech treatments for chronic illness. Moreover, the diverse range was a strong signal that entrepreneurs in all sectors are drawn to the dynamic and growing aging market with world-scale potential. AGENCY launched with a generous grant from Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts and the strategic leadership of CIC, the Massachusetts eHealth Institute, and Benchmark Senior Living, along with the inaugural cohort of startups in a sunny coworking space in the newly minted CIC at 245 Main St. in Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA. Together, we are building an agetech cluster that fosters innovation for long healthy lifespans and age-friendly communities.
Meet the Team
Meet the Partner's Council
AGENCY's funders and collaborators who help shape our strategy and strengthen our connections